Barren Motherland
As successive governments boast about measures taken to promote entrepreneurship, which they claim will be the spine of our future economy, I wish to share for the benefit of all, some ground realities I have…
Read MoreAs successive governments boast about measures taken to promote entrepreneurship, which they claim will be the spine of our future economy, I wish to share for the benefit of all, some ground realities I have…
Read MoreFidel Castro’s demise is an opportune time to reflect on one of the most tragic but also one of the most exciting and inspiring stories on food security. A story that is likely to end…
Read MoreDespite all forms of obstacles, dangers and catastrophes, whether man-made or natural, men and women have over the centuries stoically believed in the existence of cycles and that there would always be better times after…
Read MoreDeux ans de règne de l’Alliance Lepep : le couteau a encore été retourné plus vivement dans la plaie ouverte des masses populaires. La trompette du « miracle économique a soufflé plus gravement l’angoisse sociale,…
Read MoreLes jours avancent à grands pas et, très bientôt, 2016 tirera sa révérence. L’année écoulée aura eu le mérite de nous rappeler la vulnérabilité de notre monde ainsi que l’incertitude grandissante qui le caractérise. Nous…
Read MoreThe rise of nationalistic right wing governments voted in by electorates around the world is a direct result of the failure of ‘globalisation’ to enrich all but a tiny minority of the world’s population. The…
Read MoreThe most bizarre US election ever has cruelly exposed the final two candidates as a warmongering corporate puppet against a racist bigot, really the best choice the system could produce? The shadow government of bankers…
Read MoreWith UK heading out of European Union, the century old system is being challenged, by the working classes who engineered the sanction vote. Brexit was more about Britain itself rather than Europe. A call to…
Read MoreAvoir une bonne politique de prévention du risque au travail c’est accepter de mettre son entreprise face à sa responsabilité sociétale. Il s’agit là d’un vaste défi qui ne peut être surmonté que grâce à…
Read MoreAccording to the centrepiece of our company law, the Companies Act 2001, shareholders are the ones who set out the rules, that is to maximise their profits, in the running of the public company. Abroad…
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