Moody’s – Potential fallen angels drop for Asian companies as pandemic fallout eases.

SINGAPORE, 8 Nov 2021  

  • Number of potential fallen angels drops to 12 from 19: The decline follows the change in India’s (Baa3 stable) outlook to stable from negative in early October. As of 31 October, the number of companies most at risk of losing their investment-grade ratings – potential fallen angels (PFAs) – fell to 12 from 19 at 30 September. The long term average has been 12 since 2008. Six India-based companies left the list. Five of the companies are government-related oil-and-gas companies whose outlooks changed to stable following the sovereign action, reflecting state ownership or close links with the government.
  • Potential fallen angels account for around 5.0% of investment-grade companies: This is down from a high of 9.7% (or 20 companies) reached during the height of the pandemic in 2020. The effects of the pandemic are easing and economic recovery is taking shape, supporting a decline in potential fallen angels. 
  • Five companies became fallen angels since the pandemic began early last year: In 2020, there were four fallen angels – Motherson Sumi Systems Limited (Ba1 stable), E Mart Inc. (Ba1 negative) Zhuji State-owned Assets Management Co., Ltd. (Ba1 stable) and Zijin Mining Group Company Limited (Ba1 stable). In October 2021, Lanzhou Construction Invt (Hldg) Grp Co Ltd (Ba1 negative) fell into high-yield territory. This brings the total to five fallen angels since January 2020, similar to the number recorded during the commodity crisis over the two years of 2015 and 2016.
  • Most fallen angels remain in the high-yield space: The number of companies transitioning to high yield from investment grade remains relatively low in Asia. But once fallen, most companies have remained in high-yield territory, largely in the Ba1/Ba2 category. A few have been downgraded even further. Of the 30 fallen angels in Asia since 2008, only two companies, Shanghai Huayi (Group) Company (Baa3 stable) and Kia Corporation (Baa1 stable), climbed back to investment grade.
  • The 12 potential fallen angels have around $28 billion of bonds outstanding; around $3.2 billion is due by year-end 2022 (based on earliest put date): Refinancing would likely be more costly for these companies if their ratings were downgraded to high yield. Moreover, fallen angels have the potential to crowd out lower rated companies, which would raise debt-service costs and refinancing risk for some such companies. This scenario would drive credit differentiation, with refinancing risk for weaker and highly leveraged companies likely to rise.


by : on 2021-11-08 03:26:00

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