Competitiveness Council – Consilium

Economic and Financial Affairs Council

Main results

Research and innovation, 28 May 2021

Regulation on establishing the European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (HPC)

The Council agreed on a general approach concerning the above-mentioned regulation.

Today’s agreement paves the way for the development within Europe of the next generation of digital technologies. Supercomputers and quantum computing are the engines that power the data economy, harnessing technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), data analytics and cybersecurity to deliver applications that will lead to breakthroughs in key areas such as health and climate change. Our transition to a digital economy depends on them.

Manuel Heitor, Portuguese Minister for Science and Technology and Higher Education

Conclusions on ‘Deepening the European Research Area: providing researchers with attractive and sustainable careers and working conditions and making brain circulation a reality’ 

The Council adopted conclusions on possible ways to enhance the attractiveness of research careers in Europe with a view to attracting and retaining excellent researchers in the continent.

Renewing the European Research Area: how to prepare the roll-out of an ambitious ERA fit for the next decade 

On the basis of a presidency note, ministers exchanged views on the most important elements of an ambitious European Research Area for the next decade. There was agreement on the need for a common, forward-looking vision for the future ERA, which should take into account lessons learnt during the pandemic.

Other business

Current legislative proposal: Decision on the participation of the Union in the European Partnership on Metrology jointly undertaken by several member states

The Council was informed of progress achieved so far in the examination of the proposed decision within the Council’s preparatory bodies.

Council Regulation establishing the Joint Undertakings under Horizon Europe

The Council was informed of progress achieved so far in the examination of the proposed regulation within the Council’s preparatory bodies.

Mission Innovation: membership

On the basis of a note from the Commission, the Council was informed of the Commission’s intention to continue its engagement in Mission Innovation’s activities and governance during the second phase of the initiative, to be launched on 31 May. 

Commission communication on the global approach to research and innovation

On the basis of a note from the Commission, the Council was informed of the global approach to research and innovation set out in the recently adopted Commission communication. The communication presents the Commission’s perspective on Europe’s strategy on international cooperation in research and innovation.

Work programme of the incoming presidency

The Council was informed by the Slovenian delegation of the work programme of the incoming Slovenian presidency in the field of research.

Space – 28 May 2021

Conclusions on ‘New Space for People’

The Council adopted conclusions on the need for a European approach to New Space as a driver for an innovative, resilient and competitive EU space sector.

Conclusions on ‘Space for People in European coastal areas’

The Council adopted conclusions on the need to unleash the full potential of Copernicus, Galileo and EGNOS in order to improve climate change mitigation and the quality of life of people in European coastal areas.

Towards a better positioning of the EU on Space Traffic Management

On the basis of a presidency note, accompanied by a draft roadmap, ministers discussed the main building blocks of a process leading to a future EU position on space traffic management. There was agreement around the proposed roadmap and for the idea of a step-by-step approach, respectful of all relevant stakeholders and the division of competences.

Space traffic management is one of the most important and pressing topics on the agenda of Space policy makers worldwide. The debate launched today on a future common European position on this issue, in full respect of each actor’s competences, underlines our determination to act together in order to maximise the benefits from a sustainable use of space.

Manuel Heitor, Portuguese Minister for Science and Technology and Higher Education

Other business

Work programme of the incoming presidency

The Council was informed by the Slovenian delegation of the work programme of the incoming Slovenian presidency in the field of space.​

Internal market and industry, 27 May 2021

Regulation on a single market for digital services (Digital Services Act) and amending Directive 2000/31/EC

On the basis of a presidency report, the Council was informed of progress achieved so far in the examination of the proposed regulation within the Council’s preparatory bodies.

Regulation on contestable and fair markets in the digital sector (Digital Markets Act)

On the basis of a presidency report, the Council was informed of progress achieved so far in the examination of the proposed regulation within the Council’s preparatory bodies.

Leveraging the European Union’s competitiveness and global influence through an ambitious digital services package

On the basis of a presidency note, ministers had a first policy debate on the aspects of the digital package (Digital Services Act and Digital Markets Act) that they deem necessary to guarantee the strengthening of the digital single market and a safer online space, where fundamental rights are protected and competition is fair and free.

Delegations expressed satisfaction for the considerable progress made so far in the examination of the digital package within the Council. They stressed the need for clear, future-proof and proportionate rules, that guarantee the right mix of legal certainty and flexibility and foster innovation and competition in the EU’s digital single market. Efficient enforcement mechanisms at EU level, with the involvement of relevant national authorities, were mentioned as key to the success of the project.

Pedro Siza Vieira, Portuguese Minister of State for the Economy and the Digital Transition

Work is underway to create in Europe a legal framework that is fit for the data economy and trusted by businesses and consumers alike. A framework that fosters our competitiveness by ensuring a level-playing field and encouraging the participation of all of our creative resources.

Pedro Siza Vieira, Portuguese Minister of State for the Economy and the Digital Transition

Updating the new industrial strategy for Europe – the critical importance of securing access to critical raw materials

On the basis of a presidency note, ministers held a policy debate on the updated new industrial strategy, focusing on the importance of securing access to critical raw materials.

Delegations welcomed the latest Commission communication on an updated EU industrial strategy. They voiced strong support for the suggested measures to deepen the integration and resilience of the internal market to the benefit of all actors, especially SMEs. They shared the need for a more inclusive and diversified network of supply chains for critical raw materials to ensure that the EU industry remains resilient in times of crises, in particular in sectors of strategic importance, such as pharmaceuticals, semi-conductors etc.  

The lessons drawn from the COVID-19 crisis point to the need for the EU to strengthen its open strategic autonomy, in order to reinforce Europe’s position as a global player that is resilient, in charge of its own future, and able to promote an agenda of its own. We are in the process of assessing and addressing our vulnerabilities and dependencies on third countries regarding strategic goods, services, technologies and infrastructure, finding appropriate and coherent policy responses, and looking into possibilities for alliances with our partners worldwide to strengthen existing global value chains and to diversify external sources of supply. In this context, securing access to critical raw materials is a fundamental and necessary precondition for a successful transition towards a green and digital economy.

Pedro Siza Vieira, Portuguese Minister of State for the Economy and the Digital Transition

Conclusions on tourism in Europe for the next decade: sustainable, resilient, digital, global and social

The Council adopted conclusions on the future of European tourism.

Conclusions on data technologies to improve Better Regulation

The Council adopted conclusions on how to promote the use of data technologies in support of data-driven, digital-by-default and high-quality legislation, taking due account of the overall Better Regulation framework.

Other business

Current legislative proposals

Regulation laying down harmonised rules on artificial intelligence

The Commission presented to the Council its recent proposal aimed at establishing a legal framework for trustworthy artificial intelligence and a well-functioning internal market for artificial intelligence systems.

Regulation on foreign subsidies distorting the internal market    

On the basis of a note from the Commission, the Council was informed of the main objectives sought by the recently presented proposal for a regulation on foreign subsidies distorting the internal market.

Trade Policy Review – An Open, Sustainable and Assertive Trade Policy

The Commission presented to the Council its recent communication on the review of EU trade policy.

EU industry competitiveness and effective harmonised standardisation

On the basis of a joint note, seventeen delegations informed the Council of their views concerning the challenges currently faced by the European standardisation system.

Essential building blocks for a competition law and state aid framework enabling European competitiveness

On the basis of a note, the Austrian delegation informed the Council of its views on what is necessary in order to update the EU legal framework for competition and state aid.

Work programme of the incoming presidency

The Council was informed by the Slovenian delegation of the work programme of the incoming Slovenian presidency in the field of internal market and industry.

by : on 2021-05-27 22:00:00

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