The Greek economy is on the road to recovery and welcomed partnership with the International Monetary Fund going forward, Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras said after meeting with IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde in Washington, Monday.
“As you all know the IMF approved in-principle the new arrangement to support Greece’s policy program. I believe a resolute implementation of the program together with an agreement with Greece’s European partners on debt-relief are essential to support Greece’s return to sustainable growth and a successful exit from any official financing as soon as next year,” said Lagarde after their bilateral meeting at IMF headquarters.
The IMF predicts that the Greek economy will grow by 2.2% in 2018 as outlined in the just-released World Economic Outlook.
“After several years of economic depression, Greece is turning the page. Acute risks and uncertainty have subsided. Economic recovery is gaining traction. Indeed the 2017 expected growth rate of approximately close to 2 percent has not been seen something like that since 2007, and this is very significant for us,” Tsipras told reporters.
Last week the International Monetary Fund said its policy now is not to ask Greece to take any additional fiscal measures under the bailout program.
“Everybody knows in the past we had delays and everybody knows this is because we had disagreements between the institutions and now I am happy to believe we have overcome these disagreements and everybody wants the completion of the third review to be as quick as possible,” Tsipras added.
A full statement on the meeting can be found at
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