Best Payments Bank in Hong Kong is Hang Seng Bank- The Asian Banker

5 min read

By The Asian Banker

This institution offered industries advanced API solutions across 13 industries with over 100 cases to cover their collection, account management, forex, cross-border, and payment needs.  

The bank carried out initiatives such as the Magic Digital International for E-Commerce (DICE) which included API payments and virtual accounts for B2B payments and offers an app-to-app payments model to support web-based payments. Numerous eBanking solutions helped the bank achieve a 99.80% rate of payments processed digitally. 

For the implementation of customised API collection, payment and account management solutions for securities, the education and medical industry, and the trading and real-estate sectors, the Best Payments Bank in Hong Kong is Hang Seng Bank.

by : on 2023-06-14 16:33:00

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