Press statement by President von der Leyen with Prime Minister Fiala, Prime Minister Rama and Prime Minister Kovachevski on the start of the accession negotiations process and of the screening of the EU acquis

EU Cybersecurity: Commission proposes a Joint Cyber Unit to step up response to large-scale security incidents

European Commission Statement Brussels, 19 Jul 2022 Dear Prime Minister Fiala, dear Petr,
Prime Minister Rama, dear Edi,
Prime Minister Kovachevski, dear Dimitar,
What a historic moment. Today, Albania and North …

by : European Commission on 2022-07-19 06:13:11

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#Press #statement #President #von #der #Leyen #Prime #Minister #Fiala #Prime #Minister #Rama #Prime #Minister #Kovachevski #start #accession #negotiations #process #screening #acquis

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