Revisiting the ‘Standards & Artificial Intelligence’ workshop

Revisiting the 'Standards & Artificial Intelligence' workshop

The workshop “AI-standardisation landscape & the role of Digital Innovation Hubs”, held on 18 February 2021, provided participants with an overview of Europe’s standardisation landscape in AI. A variety of actors are involved in standards-setting, and it can be difficult for SMEs to understand how they can keep up to date on standards development and get involved in the technical committees that set the standards. DIGITAL SME’s Focus Group on Artificial Intelligence brings together leading AI innovators in Europe, who will play a crucial role in supporting the uptake of AI-based technologies. In the new Digital Europe Programme, it will be the role of Digital Innovation Hubs (DIHs) to help support the uptake of future technologies such as AI among SMEs. However, DIHs will also support technology frontrunners, such as AI innovators. Via DIHs, SME networks, and direct involvement in standardisation organisations, these innovative AI companies can shape AI development in Europe.

Rewatch the event:


Presentations Slides

  • Slides by Dr. Lindsay Frost, Chief Standardisation Engineer at NEC Laboratories Europe, Board member of ETSI, ETSI OCG AI Chair, ETSI ISG CIM Chair
  • Slides by Prof. Stelian Brad, Professor at Technical University of Cluj-Napoca & President of Cluj IT Cluster

Additional Resources and Links shared during the event

The Rolling Plan on ICT Standardisation: Linking EU Policies and standardisation activities in ICT. (The 2021 edition will be published soon.)

ETSI page on education about standards:

A series of free webinars hosted by the University of Bath, on education and AI:

Funding regarding SDOs:


This workshop is part of DIGITAL SME’s efforts to promote AI as a key technology for the competitiveness of Europe’s digital economy. Although Europe is considered a global leader in AI academic research and champion of a human-centric approach to AI, it lags behind the US and China when it comes to the industrial applications of its scientific achievements. To stop Europe from falling behind, DIGITAL SME has taken a leadership role in AI for SMEs, gathering more than 100 AI innovators in the Focus Group on Artificial Intelligence (a joint effort with the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre).


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by : Annika Linck on 2021-03-09 08:27:54

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#Revisiting #Standards #Artificial #Intelligence #workshop

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